"When was this?"
"One time we were sitting on a bench and we were discussing about it. This guy was sitting nearby".
"Oh yeah. I remember that day".
"Yes Sir. I told him to submit his resume so you can review it".
"I admire the determination. But the problem is, we still have a lot of employees".
"Just for reference".
"Okay then, I will give him the chance to be interviewed. Kindly contact him and arrange the schedule".
"Okay Sir".
"Good afternoon Sir".
"Good afternoon! How are you?".
"I'm good Sir thank you".
"I was told that you overheard us discussing about us needing employees?"
"Yes Sir. I waited for your companion one day and said that I heard the conversation. I gave a copy of my pertinent document. I was determined".
" I want to have experience to be able to go abroad. I have my own family already".
"What are your areas of competencies?".
"I'm good at selling bananas".
"Okay thank you very much for your time".
"He has a very good dream. Hmnnnn. I have all the staff I need right now".
"For pooling?"
"What struck me is his determination and the fact that he wants to go abroad for his family ergo he needs this experience".
"It's up to you Sir".
"Okay then, lets give him the opportunity. Let's just align budget and justify it with the need of expertise in selling bananas".
"You're hired".
"Hi guys, where are you? I'm here at the corner store eating buko pies. Where are you? Please come.".
*"Riiiing! Riiiiiing! Riiiiiing! I am not coming - you are of no use to me anymore. We discussed not to look at you anymore.... we don't need you anymore (according to your drinking buddy who used to be my drinking buddy)".
(*Repeat 7 times)
"Tooooot! Toooooot! Hi Sir! are you the President of the Republic already? Is my position there available already?"
"Tooooooot! Toooooot! How are you sir?"
"I'm good. You?"
"Sir maybe you can help me. I'm good at selling lambanog".
"Riiiiing! Riiiiiing!"
"Dagami! This guy keeps on miscalling. I told him I will let him know if there as a slot available for lambanog seller".
"Sir right now he has a big problem. His cat is pregnant and he needs to be able to provide catfood for his cat and soon to be kittens"
"I though he was selling lambanog elswhere?"
"Not anymore sir. He overcharged his master for the raw materials and got caught".
"Yes Sir. Everyone in the previous circle knows about it already".
"Although I told him I might be able to help him one day but i do not expect him to bother me".
"He needs it badly because his cat is pregnant. He is desperate".
"I see. "
"You're hired!"

"Hi Sir. Thank you. I really need this. My cat is pregnant and I need to be able to prove to it's previous owners that I am worthy to be my cat's master. They despise me".
"Okay, do your best. I need those lambanogs sold. Then after that you can look for other places where you can sell whiskey already. This is your stepping stone. In the meantime you can stay in my house so you can save and be able to buy more cat food and save money for the vets".
"Thank you Sir"
"I'm leaving to go somewhere"
"Hi guys, where are you? I'm here at the corner store eating buko pies. Where are you? Please come.".
*"Riiiing! Riiiiiing! Riiiiiing! I am not coming - you are of no use to me anymore. We discussed not to look at you anymore.... we don't need you anymore (according to your drinking buddy who used to be my drinking buddy)".
(*Repeat 7 times)
"Hi Sweeeer. There is something I want to tell you but I'm worried scared".
"What is it? If it is out of goodness, there is nothing to worry".
"My close friends here do not like you".
"Because you see their wrong doings and you reprimand them".
"Do you think that whatever they are doing is bad?"
"Yes Sweeer because it's unprofessional".
"Can you tell me who they are?"
"Yes Sweeer .... Lucy and her boyfriend, Peggy Lee, Vice, and two Bananacue makers"
"I see. I will handle that. But for now, I'd like you to reach your potential. I have observed you being good at arranging Bananas and entertaining buyers. Would you like to try? Don't Mind them. You can do better. Focus on your development".
"Yes sweeer but I might not be able to cope up".
"Oh yes you can. Trust me."
"You're promoted! Next Stop .... you will eventually become a Management Trainee even in other companies. Just do your best".
"Thank you sweeer".
"I will walk with you all the way".
"Sweeeer I hate you. I'm sexually inlove with someone I thought you were trying to take away".
... (I thought ... I am only offering opportunities to others including you. Funny how this turned out). Lame.
(Did that someone knew you were taking advantage by grabbing the groin while asleep and while everyone was looking? Ask the musical artist, the goddess and their company. You may also ask the gigolo and the lambanog seller. Shame on you. Pity on your poor someone. Even the neighbors at the shop already knows about it. They already look at that someone in the most disgusted way. Trust me, they asked me. Poor thing. He is laughed at until now).
"Oh, thank me because i gave you the opportunity of free accommodation so you can save ... and the advantage to see and be with someone".
"Now, hang on really tight to the knife and lick ass. You need to do that to be successful. You are good at it. I hope Lucy and her boyfriend, Peggy Lee, Vice, and two Bananacue makers doesn't find out what you did to them ".
"Oh so cold to do the laundry".
"Sir there is a good shop who can do that".
"Sir can you help my daughter?"
"Why? If I can I don't see why not".
"She needs a job. she is really good".
"Okay because you are a nice person, I expect to see you in her. Give me her papers".
"I'd like to interview this. Kindly contact and ask to report. Interview for formality only".
"I'm competitive Sir and I'm very professional".
"Whats wrong?"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes Sir."
"Let me know if you have a problem".
"Maybe I'm just tired".
"Okay. Rest then".
"I'm going".
"I don't care"
...silence... no how are you's or even hi's. oh well
till next issue... with photos
"What made you want to work with us?"
"Sir it was my dream po to work in hotels"
"But we are only a concessionaire"
"Okay na po sir kasi nasa bananas and lambanogs facility din naman"
"Okay and then?"
"Tapos sir, di ko po alam kung bakit di ako matanggap sa work"
"Why is that?"
"Baka sa height din"
"I see. If given the chance, what can you contribute to our organization?"
"Hardwork and performance sir. I'm a fast learner. I just need this chance to prove it"
"Please report tomorrow. You are hired"
"I have noticed these weaknesses Arwana. You need to improve yourself in these areas"
(No improvement)
"How are you with documentation?"
"I need you to take care of our documentary transactions. It's critical as you will need to secure payables documentation from clients. In the meantime, We'll have someone else handle your previous function. I need someone who can stay until late at night to handle clients until closing since you cant stay as you are worried of your safety when going home. Besides I'm not comfortable that your boyfriend is always waiting for you at the shop".
... ignores the very person who gave her the opportunity to work
(tsk tsk tsk... the face)
ahah.. kuya, add more photos C:
ReplyDeleteheheheh. intooooy. will do. diri la ako maaram mag layout. heheheeh
Deleteano ito na mga nawong kuya? ahahh.